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NGO "Discovery Global"    Solutions and Services    Carriers & ISPs    Discovery Global - Internet via Satellite (DVB/SCPC) on Inclined Orbit Satellites

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iDirect Satellite Router S3000 Brochure

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Discovery Global with in the World Network Service
Via Satellite
Discovery Global - Internet via Satellite (DVB/SCPC) on Inclined Orbit Satellites

Inclined orbit satellites provide the lowest cost capacity to Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Inclined orbit capacity serves for Internet backbone connections and is an unrivaled opportunity to benefit from space segment at only around one-third of the price of stable satellite capacity. High speed connections can be set up, typically at speeds of 2-20 Mbit/s with standard DVB/SCPC equipment connected to a tracking antenna.

  • Network Diagram

DVB/SCPC Downlinking and Uplinking via Inclined Orbit

*The prices for services and the service coverage information can be found here  Prices and Coverage Area 


Broadband Internet Access
via Satellite
for your Business...