[07.09.2008] We are proud of providing a new service on one of the most powerful satellites, Yamal 201 @90 Deg. East through, it covers all Europe, Middle East up to Africa. We started our new Broadband services on Yamal 201, after it was successfully tested and converted commercially and released as a service covering the customers’ requirements. We got 23Mghz bandwidth, and hope to develop our services on the same beam. For more information about the prices for the service please contact the sales department in order to get the quote based on Linkstar DVB-S2 paltform.
[10.01.2007] Shared and Dedicated Service Plan is not valid anymore, our Business Dev. Department decided, so. We are on a way of making new innovational service plans and technology for your needs.
[06.01.2007] www.globalsats.net is not available officially since 04-01-2007, our apologizes for such issue occurred. We are pleased to announce, that now you can find us at www.discovery-global.net. In fact our previous domain globalsats.net is under the reconstruction.
|22.11.2006| VoIP Call Center will be launched via new license provided by Ministry of Communication, soon in Dushanbe and Khujand, Tajikistan with legal functionality and high quality. We hope that our customers will have new solutions on their business and all our service plans will go with free calls to one or more destinations.
|25.04.2006| Discovery Global is pleased to announce to increase the bandwidth up to 12 Mbps downlink and 4 Mbps with MF-TDMA via Satellite, today it is possible to have a shared bandwidth with the dedicated in, for uplinking and downlinking with iDirect Satellite Routers. For more information
|05.04.2006| Discovery Global has answered to the Ministry of Justice in Tajikistan with the support to the letter sent after reviewing. Discovery Global will provide them Computer parts and Internet Access and e-learning consultancy.
|29.10.2005| Discovery Global has signed a contract with iDirect Inc. for distribution and supporting iDirect Products in Central Asia.
|20.09.2005| Discovery Global pointed to start E-Commerce lessons for Universities and Schools in Khujand city, Tajikistan. Today, we are proud to announce that is the first project in Tajikistan what is tried to develop this sphere to the students and teenagers.
|21.07.2004| Discovery Global is pleased now for observing solutions for the broadband internet access via Satellite in Russia and other CIS region, with the unlimited access 24h/12m/365d and 100% availability of the bandwidth around the coverage.