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NGO "Discovery Global"    Prices for the Services    Two Way Internet Access - iDirect TDM/TDMA

       We deliver the global network
to your home anywhere in the world...

Prices for the Services
Coverage AreaPrices for the ServicesSolutions and ServicesPartnersContact Us
Product Specifications

iDirect Satellite Router S3000 Brochure

iDirect Satellite Router S5000 Brochure

iDirect Satellite Router S7000 Brochure

Discovery Global Teleports

Discovery Global with in the World Network Service
Via Satellite
Two Way Internet Access - iDirect TDM/TDMA

Here you can find an example prices for the services calculated link for both direction Upstream and Downstream budget. Service covered: Europe, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Asia Pacific - for more information about coverage area please, click here.

  • Approx. fees for two way broadand satellite internet access per month:

Contention Ratio



Fees per Month (EUR)

1:20 C/R

128 Kbps

512 Kbps

200 EUR

1:20 C/R

256 Kbps

512 Kbps

300 EUR

1:20 C/R

256 Kbps

1024 Kbps

420 EUR

1:20 C/R

256 Kbps

2048 Kbps

520 EUR

1:20 C/R

512 Kbps

1024 Kbps

610 EUR

1:1 C/R

128 Kbps (CIR 100%)

128 Kbps (CIR 100%)

600 EUR

1:1 C/R

256 Kbps (CIR 100%)

256 Kbps (CIR 100%)

1200 EUR

1:1 C/R

512 Kbps (CIR100%)

512 Kbps (CIR 100%)

2400 EUR

*Minimum Contract Term is One Year.

For more information about the packages, please click here or for corporate network organization, please click here.

In order to have an exact prices, please contact us at:


Broadband Internet Access
via Satellite
for your Business...